Thursday, April 30, 2009

Turbo-charged Vespa

A rich business executive sees an ad in the Financial Review for the world's fastest and most expensive car. It's called the Tri-Turbo Convertible Fantasy and it costs over $1 million.

He decides he must have it and three months later he takes delivery. Eager
to play with his new toy, the executive takes it out for a spin.

At the first stop light, an old man rides up next to the Fantasy on an old Vespa motor scooter. Without invitation, the old man sticks his head through the open window and croaks, "Quite a ride you got there sonny - how fast will she go?"

"About 270 km," answers the executive. "No way," says the old man.

Just then, the light turns green and the executive decides to show the old man what the car can do. He floors it, and within seconds the car is doing 270.

But suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear vision mirror that seems to be getting closer and closer. Thinking it's a cop the executive comes to a stop.

Then, whooooooooooosh, something goes flying by.

"What the heck was that?" wonders the executive. "What can go faster than my Fantasy?"

Suddenly, the same blur comes racing back toward him, and whoooooosh, passes right by in the opposite direction. This time the executive gets a better
look and would almost swear that it looked like the old man on the Vespa motor scooter.

"That just couldn't be," he thinks to himself.

Suddenly, he sees it again in his rear view mirror and wham! It smashes slap
bang into the back of the Fantasy.

The executive jumps from his car, and sure enough, it's the old man on the
Vespa that's crashed into him.

"Are you okay?" asks the executive. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes," replied the old man, "could ya unhook my trouser suspenders from your
external mirror, please."

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